Vray for rhino number of light bounces
Vray for rhino number of light bounces

vray for rhino number of light bounces

Most have subtle differences both in look and render times. There are several different antialiasing filters that can be used. This is not an absolute, and with different filters may produce different results. Of the three samplers Adaptive Subdivision generally produces smoother results faster, whereas Fixed Rate produces harsher results slower. It also works with the same min/max subdivisions, but it can actually undersample areas which allows for some images to be processed faster. This filter is very similar to Adaptive QMC and also is about the same speed depending on the situation. The last sampler is Adaptive Subdivision. Adaptive QMC is generally faster than Fixed rate because the amount of subdivisions used to calculate the antialiasing can be changed through the min and max subdivision. Fixed Rate is generally the slowest of the three because it has to process the whole image with the same amount of subdivisions whether a section needs it or not. There are three different image samplers that can be used in VRay for Rhino. Figure 1 on the right was rendered with a Noise Threshold of. The closer the setting is to 0 the more refined the lighting, where as approaching 1 will have results that have more noise. The Noise Threshold is going to be one of the setting that will have the greatest effect on quality and render time.

vray for rhino number of light bounces

The first setting that can be used to adjust quality and render times is in the QMC Sampler rollout. The Samples setting has the same affects and relationships that Subdivisions does, but the effect is not nearly as drastic or as time intensive as Subdivisions. The more subdivisions the longer the render time, but the more refined and smoother the solution, whereas the lower the number the faster the rendering will be. One of the other important settings within Irradiance Map is Subdivisions. setting the min rate from -4 to -5) may actually decrease render times, whereas taking away one of those lesser defined prepasses may increase render times. Therefore, adding a lesser defined prepass (i.e. The first calculation has to calculate the scene from scratch which takes longer.

vray for rhino number of light bounces

This is because each of the prepasses is refining the solution from the previous calculation. There will also a trade off between the number of prepasses and the time it takes to calculate the solution. Ultimately the quality of the light solution is linked to the Max rate, however there will be more noise within the solution the fewer prepasses are used. a min/max rate of -4,-1 will have 4 prepasses while a min/max rate of -2,-1 will have 2 prepasses). The distance between the two rates will dictate how many prepasses are used to calculate the light solution (i.e. The first of those are the Min/Max rates. Within basic parameters there are several very important settings. There are several other options both for the primary and secondary engines, but for right now we will only discuss the default settings. The default setting for the primary engine is set to Irradiance Map. The default setting for calculating the primary bounce is Irradiance Map and the default setting for the secondary bounces is QMC (Quasi Monte-Carlo). VRay separates the calculation of each of these bounces because using one engine for all of the bounces is inefficient. The secondary bounces will have an affect on the scene but in a smaller way. The reason behind this is that the primary bounces of light are going to be the strongest and have the most affect on the quality of the scene. VRay processes light by breaking them down into two bounces of light Primary and Secondary. Each of these parts can be adjusted through different settings in VRay. The total render time is basically made up of two parts light processing and image processing.

vray for rhino number of light bounces

There are a number of different settings within VRay that can be used to adjust the quality of the results and control render times.

Vray for rhino number of light bounces